Want to be a mega-earner in network marketing? You'll need these three qualities: Leadership, Innovation, and Commitment.
Network Marketing rewards its leaders handsomely. The leaders are the ones who are willing to hold conference calls, offer their homes for meetings, or become corporate trainers. Leaders help and teach others how to be successful (regardless if they are downline, crossline, or in another opportunity).
Leaders will always have a home in this industry, because every single company CEO, and every top producer, wants a leader in their organization.
Network Marketing rewards innovators handsomely. I remember when Dale Maloney (a leader in this industry for over 20 years) scared up a few dollars to buy a mailing list, some stamps, envelopes, and paper to send out some sales letters to recruit others into his opportunity. I was in the second wave of people to receive a letter written by Dale. Until then, no one thought of using direct mail to build an organization.
I remember the first national ads in the newspaper USA Today, the first toll-free recorded information lines, mailing audio tapes (even before Dead Doctors Don't Lie), email marketing, and flash presentation lead capture websites. The innovators who used these marketing breakthroughs made small fortunes.
The next innovation is just waiting to be brought to the market. History has shown that if you are innovative, you will be richly rewarded.
Network Marketing rewards commitment handsomely. If you plan on giving up after hearing no a couple of times, or if you feel you're done recruiting after you get your first couple of people in (like the average person), then quit now. The average person in this industry does not make money -- they lose money. Why? They are not committed to being successful. They are not willing to do whatever it takes. And being committed to doing whatever it takes is what is necessary to be successful in this industry.
There is no such thing as "Fast Money" in network marketing. Have you heard any of these? "No cold calling." "No selling." "Work a couple hours a week.." "Retire in two to three years." All Lies!
Lifetime residual income is not built over a few months. It takes years to build a retirement income. Hard work. Polished selling skills. Consistency. Persistence. You must be committed to these basic values to achieve success.
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